Christ Crucified
The power of the gospel.
The gospel to the Christian is a thing of power. What is it that makes the young man devote himself as a missionary to the cause of God, to leave father and mother, and go into distant lands? It is a thing of power that does it — it is the gospel. “But we... Continue Reading
Big Girls Don’t Cry, but Godly Men Do
We need more men to cry and weep for their sin and the sorrow in this world.
Watson encourages us to have our faces shine with tears of sorrow and joy. Watson says: “[Repenting tears] are beautifying; a tear in the eye doth more adorn than a ring on the finger; oil makes the face to shine, tears make the heart to shine; tears are comforting; a sinner’s mirth turns to melancholy,... Continue Reading
What Becomes Of All Our Dreams?
Dreams which seemed to have perished on Earth—not left behind—but all carried forward and ready to be given into our hands the moment we get home.
What becomes of all of this? What becomes of the passions we could not explore, the dreams we could not realize, the gifts we could not deploy for the good of others and the glory of God? Why would God give it only to take it away, bestow it only to have it go unused?... Continue Reading
High Priest’s Clothes
Jesus is our high priest, our walking, talking tabernacle.
Aaron is a walking, talking tabernacle. Did you get that? He is wearing the colours of the holy place, his ephod made essentially in the same way the tabernacle’s tent was. The high priest is part of the tabernacle. Jesus in the Tabernacle VI Next the narrative moves through two sections I included earlier... Continue Reading
The Problem with the Self-Help Industry
Flock to Jesus in the Bible instead.
There are two colossal issues with the self-help industry. First, like mentioned above, it places the self at the center of the universe. In order to help self, one must place self first. Second, it only helps at the surface level and doesn’t get down to the most fundamental problem of humans: sin. Self-help... Continue Reading
Rejoice in God Our Rock
Every prayer answered is evidence of God building his kingdom.
Don’t we feel that same pressure in a multicultural society. It can feel hard, costly, to challenge the assumptions of our society that any spirituality is good, any god is more or less the same, all truths are true, and so on. But who you worship, who is God, is not a lifestyle choice. ... Continue Reading
Why the Temple Is the Best Place to Hide an Idol
Abstain from sinful desires, which wage war against your soul.
So I’ve seen terrible leaders who shred others, use position for their own gain, who privately destroy the lives of ministry colleagues, whose insecurities lead them to say and do things that they would – and do – preach and write against. And it’s easy to hide that idolatry with all that worship going on... Continue Reading
God’s Power Through the Ordinary
We can better reflect God’s glory when we are content to be simple, faithful Christians.
When we follow God, contrary to the culture, but transformed by His word, God’s power is put on display. He is the One who gets all the credit for any fruit that you see. Why do people come to our church? Not because of the music (even though I’m partial to it). Not because of... Continue Reading
Eternal Reliance upon Christ
Christ’s saving work is what made of all the blessings of the New Earth and our life upon it possible.
This life, and these blessings, are given to Christ’s people upon regeneration in this life, albeit here only in part. This is part of the “incorruptible seed” spoken of by Peter (1 Pet. 1:23), that will come to its full and perfect bloom in the next life. It is the life of Christ, lived with... Continue Reading
Is the Kingdom of God Within You?
Are you ready now to enter His kingdom? Once that day dawns, the time to respond is over.
How then is the kingdom of God in the midst of these unbelieving, soon-to-be homicidal Pharisees? The kingdom of God was in their midst because the King of that kingdom was among them. He had fulfilled prophecies and done miracles before them, proving that He was the Messiah and rightful ruler. Now when He was... Continue Reading
10 Powerful Prayers of the Bible to Memorize
Strengthen your prayers.
Many in our world say, “hate your enemies and destroy their lives.” Jesus taught us to “love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” (Matthew 5:44). He models this in His dying moments as He petitions God to forgive the very people putting Him to death. Learning from biblical prayers is a great... Continue Reading
How to Read the Bible like Jesus
How we read the Bible matters.
For Jesus, Scripture wasn’t simply a collection of laws, stories, proverbs, and psalms. He read the Bible as a coherent narrative about who God is, who we are as human beings, and what God’s purposes are for the world. And he made the staggering claim that all of it, in some way, points to himself.... Continue Reading
Ordering Our Loves and Understanding Our Limits
Agape love is a virtue that must be called upon in specific circumstances.
We must also realize that a virtue, such as agape love, is not something you simply constantly do 24/7 to the point of exhausting yourself completely unless, as was Christ’s case, God calls you to empty yourself to the point of death in a particular moment. After all, the paragon of agape love, Jesus, demonstrated... Continue Reading
Severe Warning for the Sexually Immoral
Living for God, doing His will, includes sexual purity.
God’s Word could not be clearer. Our sexuality is created by God for His glory. If we love and fear God, if we have been made right with God through Jesus Christ, we will submit our sexuality to God. We will repent of sexual immorality and seek sexual purity according to God’s plan. If... Continue Reading
Deep Grace
Grace is motivated by love for the object of grace.
If the offended God, who is holy and perfect, can extend His grace (His ill-deserved favor) to sinners like us, then what should we, the recipients of such grace, extend to those who have sinned against us? Are we full of His deep grace? To be gracious is nice, attractive, and pleasant. But to... Continue Reading
From Fall to Grace
Rekindling hope in the world of brokenness.
Yet beneath the city’s beauty, signs of brokenness were visible everywhere—homeless people on the streets, refugee families with babies seeking assistance, and crowds gathering for riots and protests—reminding me that this is the world that “is” at the moment, beautiful, but also broken and deeply wounded by the cosmic plague of sin. While shopping in... Continue Reading
David and Goliath
God provides a Champion who fights for weak, sinful, and faithless people.
The only hope any of us have of growing in our obedience, of being more like David when he lived by faith and not by sight, is not by trying to be like David in our own strength but rather, in reliance on the Holy Spirit, trusting in the Christ to whom David pointed and... Continue Reading
The Necessity of Believing in a Historical Adam
We can’t have the gospel without the last Adam, but we can’t have the gospel with the first Adam either.
Rejecting a literal, historical Adam—or some of the details about him and Eve— undermines the authority of Scripture and has enormous theological and moral implications. The historical last Adam came to solve the real, historical problem caused by the historical first Adam. In recent years, in an effort to harmonize the evolutionary story... Continue Reading
The Anatomy of Church Office
Godly and capable church officers are a precious gift to the church from Jesus Christ the King.
The officers of the church will take the lead in the great task given for holy service and witness bearing, for better or for worse. May the Lord grant His bride qualified men to guide her well, and may He give the members grace to identify them. To all the saints in Christ Jesus... Continue Reading
Four Views on the Lord’s Supper: Spiritual Presence
What did Jesus mean when He said, “Take, eat; this is my body.”
For those who hold to the spiritual view of the Lord’s Supper, Jesus is truly present, and these benefits are truly enjoyed by means of the Holy Spirit and believer’s union with Christ. In Matthew 26:26-28 Jesus spoke a few simple words that have been the cause of a great many differences between Christians.... Continue Reading
The Example of Christ’s Humility (Part 2)
We have no idea how much pride is still at work in us, secretly sabotaging every nook and cranny. The answer is kneeling again in the shadow of Calvary.
Have we not looked at the stars to realize our smallness? Have we not stared at the ocean, contemplating our powerlessness? Yet, a hundred times more, when we stare at the picture of Calvary, our life issues all begin to fade, the want of heaven and eternal glorification grow, and the marvelous nature of our... Continue Reading
Male Authority in God’s Creational Design
Understanding Paul’s Prohibition in 1 Timothy 2:12
Male leadership in family, church, and society is firmly rooted in God’s creational intention and design. This leadership is not, in the first instance, a result of the fall, though the fall is also a part of the equation. Paul’s grounding of male authority in 1 Timothy 2 in the creation account in Genesis 1–2,... Continue Reading
Faith, Doubt, Sickness, and Healing
Complex issues with no easy answers.
We can all praise God when people are healed of various diseases and illnesses. But we can also praise God when that is not the outcome. Our faith rests not in our circumstances but in a loving and gracious God who is still on the throne. There are some understandings of the sorts of... Continue Reading
When Is the Last Time You Thought of the Fact That You Will Die?
Death is no less inevitable than it’s ever been, but many of us don’t have to see it or even think about it as a daily presence in our lives.
Throughout the pages of the Bible, whether law or history or poetry or prophecy or gospel or letter, death is a fixation far more common than in our lives today. For biblical authors an awareness of death and its implications for life is crucial for a life of wisdom. An Unpleasant Topic When is... Continue Reading
If I’m United to Christ, Why Do I Still Sin?
Dr. Sinclair Ferguson offers biblical insights and relatable examples to address this common spiritual question.
The very fact that you are concerned about the presence of sin and that you fight against it is only possible because you have been released from the dominion of sin and have been brought into the reign of the Lord Jesus Christ. If I’m united to Christ, why do I still sin? Let... Continue Reading
Heaviness and Hope in China
This letter is from a missionary in China who is supported by certain Presbyterian churches in the United States.
The image of God is still apparent in the Chinese people, but these tough times bring out the worst in the people’s sinful natures. I have focused all of my training, teaching, and church relationships on encouraging the church to be bold to evangelize and serve the sufferers. It is only with the Gospel of... Continue Reading
The Conquest of Canaan
Driving out the Canaanites and their wickedness helped preserve a holy line in Israel until the Messiah was born.
Israel as a nation never did fully drive out the Canaanites but was enticed to follow them in their sin again and again under the old covenant. Nevertheless, God in His grace preserved a faithful line in Israel. From that line, He sent Jesus, the true Israel of God, who by His person and work... Continue Reading
How Do You Recover from This?
The Psalms of David offer insight into how he maintained perspective during difficult times, recognizing the Lord as his Rock.
Strengthen your heart first, then inquire of God. Looking to God for the next step may take many forms, including seeking the help of others. At a minimum it includes prayer. It is a known fact seen repeatedly in the Bible that God loves to hear and respond to the desperate prayers of His own... Continue Reading
Pastoral Ministry: A Weighty Calling
Eternal realities hang in the balance.
Pastoral ministry is a sacred calling that requires profound discernment and a deep sense of responsibility. It isn’t merely a career. As we reflect on what it means to be called to ministry, it becomes clear that discerning one’s call is essential for faithfully stewarding the weighty task of shepherding God’s people. The Christian... Continue Reading
The Overlooked Proof of God’s Love
Though it is often asked, "Why did God hate Esau?" The better question is, "Why does He love us?"
If you have grown forgetful of God’s love for you, never forget that we deserve the same hell that will be experienced by those who reject God. Contrast their existence without God with the grace you have received, and continue doing this until your heart wells up with gratitude. He truly loves his children. ... Continue Reading